An der Seite von Josia Topf: Goldmoment in Paris
Ein unvergesslicher Moment in der Geschichte unseres VereinsJosia Topf krönt…
We teach swimming, we practice and train, we compete in events and report under the name SSG 81 Erlangen, written out Schwimmsportgemeinschaft 1981.
However, this does not mean that swimming will only exist with us since this date.
The SGS Erlangen
The Sportgemeinschaft Siemens Erlangen was founded in 1955, initially as a pure company sports group. As one of many other groups, we, the swimming department, were there from the beginning.
A pleasing number of children and young people were interested in swimming, competitions and other events. Soon, however, this age group went beyond the scope of a company sports group.
The SVE Erlangen
Thus it came 1973 consequently to the establishment of the swimming club Erlangen e.V..
Even though on paper we were now a legally registered, independent club, in the end we remained the same "bunch" as before, were able to increase membership without any restrictions and made a splash in the central franconian, bavarian and german area under the new name "Schwimmgemeinschaft Erlangen" = SG Erlangen, as required by the German Swimming Association.
The equally successful swimming department of the Turnerbund 88 Erlangen, existing next to us, joined us for reasons of competitive sports- concentration, so it finally came to the name „SSG 81 Erlangen“.
We kept this name even after the TB 88 left.
A few years ago, SGS had opened up to non-corporate members. All existing departments now also became their own registered associations under the hood of SGS; SGS-Schwimmen e.V.
summarized in a nutshell: SVE e.V. and SGS-Schwimmen e.V. = SSG 81 Erlangen
Our trained coaches and young trainers do their best to offer you an individual, motivating and challenging training. The fun of swimming should also be promoted in a pleasant atmosphere.
From a certain age and with existing motivation, we allow the swimmers to step into the assistance role themselves and support our coaches.
Stellvertretende Vorsitzende SVE / Trainerin
Vorsitzende SGS
Sportliche Leiterin SVE / SGS, Trainerin
Schriftführerin SGS / Trainerin
Jugendwartin / Trainerin
Schriftführer SGS
Sportliche Leiterin SVE / SGS, Trainerin
Ehrenvorsitzender SVE
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender SGS
Vorsitzende SGS
Kassenwartin SVE
Technical Lead
Schriftführerin SGS / Trainerin
Jugendwartin / Trainerin
Stellvertretende Vorsitzende SVE / Trainerin
Vorsitzender SVE
Kassenwart SGS
Ein unvergesslicher Moment in der Geschichte unseres VereinsJosia Topf krönt…
Wir gratulieren stolz Sarah Anne Richter zu ihrem herausragendem Erfolg…
8x50m lab pool with 1.35 up to 4.00m depth,
Teaching pool 0.75m up to 1.20m depth
6x25m lab pool with up to 4m depth
4x20m up to 2.0m depth
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